Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Nearing Midnight and Something Evil's Lurking in the Dark

It’s the last day of October again! Halloween this year was fun in so many ways and amazing in so many aspects, but I think I’m all game for kicking off my shoes and putting up my feet now, to return it all in trade of a steaming mug of hot chocolate and a foot massage; I’ve seen enough bloodied people, ghastly ghosts and the resurrected dead to last me all the way till next year.

Don't get me wrong, I had a blast! After all, it was a party thrown by the infamous Department of Communications of HELP University College which I attended; you can bet it's gonna be off the hook!

Halloween Massacre Night 2 (the second because the first one held last year was such a blast I reckon the organizers didn’t see the need to come up something new) rocked from start to finish. Almost 150 people turned up, with close to 100 tickets already sold a whole week prior to the event. Bookings had to be made in advance I heard, because tickets were being snatched up like free chocolate pretzels and all-you-can-eat strawberry twizzlers. And you bet a hell lot of different characters came out to play that night; funny ones, sexy ones, weird ones, terrifying ones – you name it, we’ve got it!

One Angel of Death, one Playboy Bunny, one Granny, one Cleopatra. Check.

One Left 4 Dead Hunter, one She-Devil, one Jason Vorhees of Friday the Thirteenth. Check.

One Joker, one Mime, one Incredible Hulk. Check.

One Stephen King’s It, some Gas Masked Guy, some other weird Eyeball-Popping-Out-Of-Sockets Guy. Check.

One Japanese Lolita, one Nurse, one Victorian Lady. Check.

Oooo, we also had a Saudi Arabian Syeikh!!

And the inevitable Angels… appropriately manning the registration counter hahaha.

The hightlight of the night was the Haunted House mandatory in all Halloween parties. This year, it featured the thirteen ghosts from the movie of the same title. The queue that grew from waiting for it was a living testimony to how scary it was – it stretched and wound down the length of the college corridor a crazy two hours long! But people waiting for their turn were kept well entertained by beatboxing performances, songs on the acoustic guitar by a two duo band, many games that left the crowd cringing, grimacing and shifting in their seats in discomfort, as well as an appearance by the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson. He rose from the dead with all his other undead that night, thrilling the crowd with a few dance numbers that were synonymous with the mere mention of his name.

As expected, the event ended much later than the estimated time stated on the posters and flyers, but hey, since when has any party that’s off the hook and worth attending ever end on time?

The Scariest Costume Award of the night went to The Hunter from the multi-player online game, Left4Dead. It was no competition really, given how much effort that could clearly be seen put into his ensemble. Not only was his get-up immaculate, he was in character all night! It clearly required a whole lot of work and determination to stalk and pounce on people all evening long. He must want the award really badly!

The rewards of his hardwork paid off sweet and juicy when it made him RM200 richer in cold hard cash, thanks to our sponsors, 100Plus Revive.

No one wanted to leave on account of how much fun everyone was having, and each and every person wanted second helpings of everything! I don’t blame them. We laughed, we ate, we took pictures. We had the time of our lives trying to guess what each other were supposed to be, laughing at our respective silliness when we guessed wrong and cheering when we got it right. Here’s a big HURRAH!! from me to the organizers of this very successful event. Everyone had clearly worked very hard to make all this possible and very efficiently to have it happen so magnificently.

Happy Halloween all! Don’t get too sick from either candy or alcohol or both! ;]

Party safe and party hard!

Pictures and article courtesy of

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